
Little Tōmei

Once upon a time, a tiny resident lived quietly in the attic of an old mansion…

あらすじ The story of Little Tōmei

遠い国の古いお屋敷に小さな住人「トーメイくん」がひっそりと暮らしています。 悪夢に悩まされる住人たちを助けようと、夜になると忘れさられた屋根うらべやから、笛を手に降りてくるのです。

In a distant land, within an old mansion, lives a diminutive inhabitant named “Little Tomei" residing quietly there. At night Little Tomei descends from the forgotten attic with a flute in hand to comfort the residents suffering nightmares. Despite being invisible to everyone else, this tiny figure is somehow visible to a girl named Biba...

About the book 「トーメイくん」について

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    A family creation
    Little Tomei is a children's book created by the Tanabe Jones family. The story was written by the mother, Atsuko, and illustrated by daughter, Karina and father, Roy. It won the Kagoshima Children's Book Award and was published by Nijino-ehonya in 2022.


    田辺アツコジョーンズ(Atsuko Tanabe Jones)
    ドイツ文学・倫理学を学んだ後、ヨーロッパ(ドイツとイギリス)在住10年。 現在、鹿児島市で英会話スクールを主宰。


    田辺カリナジョーンズ(Karina Tanabe Jones)

    ロイ・ジョーンズ(Roy Jones)

    Special Thanks to
    藤原 悠(Yu Fujiwara)Graphic Designer
    藤原 明子(Akiko Fujiwara)Editor
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    “Little Tomei” was selected as a recipient of the 6th Kagoshima City Children's Book Publishing Grant, aimed at supporting outstanding children's literature publishing, and published by Nijino- Ehonya.
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    Message from the author

    My favorite author, Ehrich Kästner, wrote his stories for "children and those who are not children." His term "those who are not children" (Nichtkinder) doesn't simply refer to adults but to individuals who, even as adults, retain a part of their childhood within them. Despite persecution by the Nazis and having his books burned, Kästner remained unbowed. Consequently he cast a critical eye on adults who had lost something essential from their childhood. This is because those who haven't forgotten their inner child would neither wield authority nor succumb to it. Nor would they turn their backs on the world out of resignation or apathy.
The transition from being a child to an adult is challenging. Children have their own share of troubles, and navigating through the conflicts of adolescence is no small feat. But childhood experiences held onto steadfastly throughout life will surely become a treasure in later years.

    Atsuko Tanabe Jones
